Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Super Troopers!

Again more thanks to everyone that made such a a great weekend possible, it was a real privilege to be a part of this event. The amount of effort you all put in is really appreiciated. Not only have you opened my eyes to the word of liverpool....but also the world of blogging!My first ever post!

As Charlie said in his email, lets hope this network can stem beyond this event, and we get the chance to experience other peoples home cities!As we said to quite a few there are a couple of events in Rainy Manchester in the next couple of weeks, this Friday (the witching hour!) there are open studios at Suite and Islington Mill and then on the following Thursday (6th of November, there are 3 preveiws in Manchester, one at the Zion, a community arts space curated by Laura (Royal Standard), one at the Cornerhouse and then one at International 3, I will email everyone with links to the shows, but if you want to come please get in touch and we will give you a Manchester mini tour!

With regards to song lyrics, if we are staying on the liverpool theme.........we could go back to the 90's with Space, "Oh, If you find the time please come and stay a while, In my beautiful Neighbourhood"

Will post more images later,
Liz x

1 comment:

Praxis said...

Yes I think a Manchester mini-tour would be a good thing -Nov 6th too soon for me how about in December?